A complete range of EEG caps
for all your EEG & your patients
Opt for the range ICECAP®
Available up to 21 electrodes
Our teams have developed two distinct ranges to meet the specific needs of newborns
and adults. For use in hospital environment or at home, the use of our ICECAP® helmelts
guarantees optimum EEG signal quality for recordings up to 72 hours.
Available from 23 cm to 51 cm head circumference
Available from 43 cm to 60 cm head circumference

23 - 31cm
30 - 38cm
37 - 51 cm
53 - 60cm
43 - 53cm

Comfortable, easy to use
,the ICECAP® allows a
simplier measurement
with high quality signals

With only 4 fixing points
the pose of ICECAP® is completed in less than 15 minutes, even by a non-expert EEG.
The range of ICECAP®
caps is composed of 9 to 21 electrodes,
allowing EEG signal collection
until 72h with high quality for all applications
Thanks to its single use,
the ICECAP® guarantees you an optimal hygiene while providing a real comfort
for your patients.